Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meal Plan Monday ? Making A Home And Family

I?ve been slipping from my meal plans by not being prepared around the events of the day, but my planner is up to date now so hopefully I planned accordingly with my dinners. ?Here?s to another week! :)

Monday ~ Chicken stirfry

Tuesday ~ Chicken pot pie in the crockpot

Wednesday ~ Pulled pork sandwiches in the crockpot with chips and fruit

Thursday ~ Sloppy joes, fries, and green beans

Friday ~ Mini pizzas

Saturday ~ Out or leftovers

Sunday ~ Meatballs and crockpot veggies

Here?s to good and homemade food this week!?

For more ideas go to Org Junkie!

Source: http://www.makingahomeandfamily.com/2012/02/27/meal-plan-monday-61/

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Farm Finance: Rural America - American business

The process of acquiring and using capital in agriculture. This article addresses the sources of financing used by farmers: equity and debt funds. It examines several of the ways credit is used in the farm business and some of the investment decisions farm operators must make.

Sources of Financing

Any decision to expand or reorganize the farm business must involve an evaluation of the alternative means to obtain the capital resources. A farm operation requires two types of capital: investment capital and operating capital. Investment capital includes such items as machinery, equipment, land and other durable inputs, whereas operating capital includes seed, chemicals, fertilizer and other inventories and supplies.

The funds required to finance the investment and operating capital requirements of the farm business can be obtained from many sources but usually are classified into two basic categories: equity funds and debt funds. Equity funds are supplied by the owner(s) of the farm operation; they provide the backbone of any financing arrangement. Some people refer to equity funds as risk capital because, in the event of liquidation of the business, the holder of equity funds has the residual (last) claim on the liquidation proceeds after all other claims have been satisfied. Consequently, the equity capital bears the risk of any financial loss, and it also reaps the benefits of any profits or financial gains. In contrast, debt funds are provided by financial institutions or individuals with no ownership interest in the farm business. Debt funds usually carry a cash cost in the form of interest and have a first claim on net income or proceeds from liquidation.

A third method that can be used to gain control of investment capital items is that of renting or leasing. Operating leases are short-term, seasonal leasing arrangements whereby the lessee leases the equipment for a specified number of hours, days or on a per-acre basis. Custom hiring is one form of an operating lease. In recent years, capital leases that involve a longer time commitment (such as three to five years) have become more popular for some machinery, equipment and facility purchases. Renting or leasing a capital item such as machinery or land reduces the investment capital commitment of the farm operator, but it typically increases the cash flow and operating capital requirements.

Equity Sources of Funds. Since equity is the financial backbone of any business, acquiring or accumulating equity funds is essential for the successful farm operator. A farmer can accumulate equity through savings, or acquire it through inheritance or marriage and other family arrangements. Alternatively, the farm operator may combine her or his equity capital with that of an outside investor or a family member, such as parents or a sibling in some form of pooling arrangement to obtain a larger equity base, which then can be used to increase the size of the business and improve its efficiency through economies of size.

The most important source of equity funds is savings. Savings is the amount of income that is not consumed and is thus available for reinvestment in the farm business. The volume of savings can be increased not only by increasing farm income, but also by reducing family expenditures and taxes. In many farm businesses, the primary method to increase equity capital accumulation is through reduced consumption, particularly for young farmers. Another method to increase equity capital accumulation through savings is to obtain off-farm employment with the earnings being substituted for farm income to meet consumption requirements.

Savings provides more than just equity funds that can be used to purchase assets. Savings indicates an ability to handle one?s finances which will have an impact on the amount of credit or debt that can be obtained. It also indicates a willingness to forgo current consumption for the benefit of a higher level of income and standard of living in the future. Historically, farmers have had a higher savings rate than most people. Analysts have estimated that farmers save almost onethird of their income; that is, approximately one-third of their disposable income is reinvested in their farming operation.

A second important source of equity funds for many businesses is that of inheritances or gifts. For many young farm operators, accumulated savings will not provide an adequate financial base for a viable farm operation with the potential for growth and expansion. One common way to augment savings is through gifts received from relatives and inheritances from the parents. In most cases, accumulating equity funds through gifts and inheritances is part of an overall intergenerational transfer plan that has been developed to transfer the farm business as a going economic concern from the parents to the on-farm operating heir. In these situations, the operating heir typically has been active in the business for a number of years, and his or her acquisition of the farm at the death of the parents is a natural step in the transfer plan.

A third source of equity funds for the farm business is that of the investor, whether he or she is a doctor, lawyer, farmer or widow of a farmer. Combining resources with an investor may not directly increase the equity funds of the farm operator, but it does increase the capital base and the size of the business available to manage. This increased size of operation may result in increased efficiency because of economies of size, and thus increase the income-generating capacity of the business and the accumulation of equity over time through increased savings. Thus, the benefits to the farm operator of using someone else?s equity funds are primarily those of economies of size and future equity accumulation. In addition, the investor may be the only source of additional equity funds for beginning farmers who have no family members with sufficient resources to assist them in obtaining the critical mass of capital necessary to begin farming. The investor also may play an important role in providing capital to agriculture through the rental market. This contribution occurs through the rental of real estate to operators who may not have adequate resources to purchase a similar tract of land.

Debt Sources of Funds. Although equity funds provide the financial backbone of any farm business, most farmers do not generate sufficient equity from savings or other sources to expand as rapidly as they desire. Thus, they are forced to use additional sources of funds in the form of debt or credit to expand their operations.

Farmers are served by a three-pronged credit market: the private sector, the cooperative sector, and government agencies. The private sector consists of such firms as commercial banks, merchants and dealers, insurance companies, finance companies, and individuals who make personal loans to farmers. For the most part, these financial institutions have been a dependable source of operating and investment capital for farmers and in many cases have developed specific lending programs for agricultural producers.

Although the private sector historically has been an important source of credit for farmers, at times it has had difficulty servicing agriculture because of the higher rates of interest that could be obtained making loans to nonagricultural businesses and because of the limited supply of funds that could be mobilized to loan to farm firms. Consequently, the cooperative credit system was developed to enable farmers, through a cooperative effort, to tap the national money markets. The cooperative credit system comprises the banks and associations of the Farm Credit System. The banks obtain funds by selling bonds on the national money markets to investors. The proceeds of the bond sales are then loaned to farmers or to grain merchandising or input supply cooperatives. The entities of the Farm Credit System function as cooperatives and are owned and managed by the users of the System. The Farm Credit System has not only increased the availability of funds to farmers through access to national money markets, but it has provided many new innovations in agricultural lending and stimulated the private sector to provide more efficient service to farmers.

The third component of the agricultural credit market includes the government agencies. The federal government provides funds to farmers through the Farm Services Agency (FSA) under two programs best known by their previous names: the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) program and the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) program. In some states, state agencies also make loans to farmers, particularly beginning farmers. The primary purpose of the FSAFmHA program is to provide loans to farmers who cannot obtain funds from either the private or cooperative sector. Consequently, the program provides funds for disaster situations and when risks are too high for the private or cooperative credit institutions. FSA-CCC loans are part of the income and price support program of the USDA. This program provides loans for grain storage as well as a combined operating loan-income support program to augment farmers? incomes by accepting the commodity as payment in full on the loan if commodity prices are below the loan value.

Use of Credit in the Farm Business

Credit is an important and necessary resource in nearly all commercial farm businesses. Credit is a somewhat unique resource in that it provides the opportunity to pay for the cost of using additional inputs and capital items now from future earnings. Hence, the potential improvement in net farm income should be the determining factor in deciding whether or not to use credit in the farm business.

Credit can contribute to the improvement of net income of a farm operation in several ways. First, it can create and maintain an adequate size business. In most farm operations, this means expanding the operation to obtain an acceptable level of income and to take advantage of economies of size. Credit can play an important role in acquiring the investment capital to expand the business as well as to acquire operating inputs to maintain a high volume of output.

Second, credit can increase the efficiency of the farm business. The use of credit may make it possible to substitute one resource for another (such as machinery for labor) as a means to reduce cost, improve timeliness, and increase the efficiency of the farm business. Credit may be essential to increase the intensity of production with present resources by using increased quantities of fertilizer and chemicals, better breeding stock, or more efficient machinery to improve the timeliness of crop production.

Third, credit can adjust the business to changing economic conditions. New technological developments or changing market conditions can make it essential to make major changes in the farm business. For example, adopting confinement hog production technology or acquiring conservation tillage, or larger planting, harvesting or power equipment may be essential to maintain efficiency as prices decline and costs increase. Credit is a major resource that can be used to assist in making these adjustments and changes.

Fourth, credit can help farmers meet seasonal and annual fluctuations in income and expenditures. Most farm operations have wide seasonal and annual fluctuations in expenditures and incomes. Cash inflows and outflows typically do not occur at the same time of the year, and cash deficits frequently occur from the planting to harvesting seasons. Using credit to match cash inflows and outflows is essential to efficient operation of the farm business if large cash reserves are not available.

Fifth, credit protects the business against adverse conditions. Weather, disease and price are all uncertainties in the farm business. Good management can reduce the risk, but it is extremely difficult to eliminate all risks in farming. Credit can play a major role in protecting the farm business from financial failure or liquidation when adverse conditions occur. Maintaining some credit in reserve that can be used in situations such as an equity margin in real estate that can be used for refinancing short-term obligations may be an important method of protecting the farm business from unpredictable risks. Liability management or managing the structure and amount of the liabilities of the farm business may be as important as asset management (diversification, flexible facilities, etc.) to protect the farm business against the adverse financial consequences associated with risk.

And sixth, credit provides continuity of the farm business. The transfer of an ongoing farm business from one proprietor to another involves large quantities of capital. Without credit, many farm businesses would have to be liquidated during the transfer process because nonfarm heirs frequently want their inheritance in cash and do not want to maintain ownership of farm real estate and other assets. In most cases, credit is essential for the successful intergenerational transfer of the business because the tax liability and claims by offfarm heirs erode the equity capital base, and either assets must be sold or credit used to substitute for the equity that has been lost in the transfer process.

Safe use of borrowed money is extremely important in the successful farm business. The credit-worthiness of any farm depends on the risk-bearing ability of the operation, the returns that can be generated in the business, and the repayment capacity of the operation. Furthermore, farmers should be aware of the legal documents involved in borrowing money, including the promissory note, the mortgage or security agreement and financing statement, and the installment contract. In addition, a farmer should be aware of the obligations he or she faces upon default, including foreclosure and bankruptcy procedures.

Investment Decisions

Capital investment decisions that involve the purchase of durable inputs, such as land, machinery, buildings or equipment, are among the most important decisions undertaken by the farm manager. These decisions typically involve the commitment of large sums of money, and they will affect the farm operation over many years. Furthermore, the funds to purchase a capital item must be paid out immediately, whereas the income or benefits accrue over time. Because the benefits are based on future events and the ability to foresee the future is imperfect, considerable effort should be made to evaluate investment alternatives as thoroughly as possible. This evaluation may include analysis of the decision under alternative futures with respect to prices, productivity and cost, for once the decision is made and an alternative is chosen, the direction and operation of the firm will be affected for a number of years.

Most capital investment projects can be classified as either output increasing or cost reducing. Investments such as new buildings, additional land and more livestock generally are acquired to increase the volume of business. It is hoped that the added revenues will exceed added costs and that net profits will increase. In contrast, most machinery is acquired to replace manual labor or worn-out items, the repair costs of which are expected to be excessive. Thus, machinery has the general effect of reducing labor or repair costs without necessarily changing total output. Some investments will fall into both categories; that is, they may simultaneously increase output and reduce production costs. Some investments are neither output increasing nor cost reducing but nevertheless must be made. For example, the owner of a large livestock operation may be required to invest in a new waste disposal system to comply with pollution control regulations. Although these types of forced investments must be made, a careful analysis is still needed to determine the particular type of system that should be installed.

There are four major steps involved in the evaluation of capital expenditure proposals. First, identify all possible profitable investment opportunities. This step should be taken to insure that the most profitable?not just a profitable?investment is chosen. Second, evaluate the economic profitability and financial feasibility of the various investment opportunities. Evaluating economic profitability involves determining the capital outlay required for each alternative and the earnings or benefits that will likely result from each alternative, and comparing the outlay to the benefit stream. Financial feasibility involves a comparison of the cash inflows generated by the investment project with the principal and interest payments that are due on any borrowed funds used to purchase the capital item. Third, reevaluate the decision under different price and yield assumptions. Since the investment decision involves projections into the future and a major commitment over time, it is desirable to evaluate the economic profitability and financial feasibility of an investment alternative under different sets of future prices and productivity. And fourth, choose an alternative based on the economic and financial evaluation as well as other factors that would influence the investment decision. As with any managerial decision, judgment must be combined with the economic analysis to select an alternative.

? Michael Boehlje

See also

  • Agricultural and Applied Economics; Banking Practices; Financial Intermediaries; Foreclosure and Bankruptcy; Policy, Agricultural


  • Barnard, Freddie and Michael Boehlje. ?Evaluating Financial Position, Performance, and Repayment Capacity for Agricultural Businesses.? Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (1995): 73-79.
  • Barnard, Freddie and Michael Boehlje. ?Using Farm Financial Standards Council Recommendations in the Profitability Linkage Model: The ROA Dilemma.? Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, pp.7-11, 2004.
  • Barry, Peter J., Paul N. Ellinger, C.B. Baker, and John A. Hopkin. Financial Management in Agriculture. 6th ed. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, Inc., 2000.
  • Boehlje, Michael. ?Evaluating Farm Financial Performance.? Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 58, no. 1, (June 1994): 109-115.
  • Brake, John R., and Emanuel Melichar. ?Agricultural Finance and Capital Markets.? Pp. 416-494 in A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Volume I: Traditional Fields of Agricultural Economics, 1940s to 1970s. Edited by Lee R. Martin. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1977.
  • Harl, Neil E. The Farm Debt Crisis of the 1980s. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1990. Hughes, Dean W., Stephen C. Gabriel, Peter J. Barry, and Michael D. Boehlje. Financing the Agricultural Sector. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986.
  • Lee, Warren F., Michael D. Boehlje, Aaron G. Nelson, and William G. Murray. Agricultural Finance. 8th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1988.
  • van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy. 12th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2001.
  • Weston, J. Fred and Eugene F. Brigham. Essentials of Managerial Finance. 13th ed. Harcourt College Publication, 2004.
  • Wilson, Christine, Freddie Barnard and Michael Boehlje. ?A Financial Analysis Program That Will PASS the Farm Manager ?Interest Test.?? American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA), 2007.

Source: http://american-business.org/3383-farm-finance-rural-america.html

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Midway Arcade brings Joust, Defender, Spy Hunter to iOS without the associated coin-loss

Warner Bros. has busted out an iOS flavored compilation of Midway's classic arcade games. For 99 cents you can re-live the experience of pumping coin after coin in the cabinets of your childhood. The app comes with emulated versions of Spy Hunter, Rampage, Joust, Root Beer Tapper, Defender, Arch Rivals, Air Hockey, Arcade Basketball, Pool and Roll Ball. Once you've finished reacquiring your square-eyes from all that gaming action, two expansions are available as an in-app purchase. One includes NARC, Total Carnage and APB, whilst the other packs both Gauntlet games and Wizard of War. All the company needs to do now is make sure it works in perfect harmony with the iCade and we may never leave the house again.

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It's time college football had a playoff

Most college football fans long for a playoff. They rightly recognize that any system that considers some teams outsiders and uses a ranking system corrupted by regional biases and coaching rivalries to set up its championship game is broken and can never be acceptably tweaked.

This week, the 11 commissioners of the conferences that make up the Football Bowl Subdivision and Notre Dame's athletic director met in Dallas to talk about possible changes to the Bowl Championship Series ? the much-reviled BCS. They're scheduled to gather again in March and April to further kick around various postseason proposals.

Negotiations for a new television contract are scheduled to begin this fall. Any decisions about the BCS and a playoff system have to be made by then.

It is time ? at long last ? for a college football playoff.

College football champions at levels below the Football Bowl Subdivision are crowned by winning playoff games. The existence of these playoff tournaments challenges the various arguments used against a major college football playoff: A playoff would add too many games to the season; players would miss class time leading up to and during finals; a playoff would hurt the sanctity of the regular season.

Ah, yes, the sanctity of college football's regular season. It's the top argument against a playoff, as though a regular season would have no bearing on whether a team makes a playoff or how it's seeded in a tournament.

The regular season is considered holy and inviolable ? that is, until the BCS decides, as it did this past season, that Alabama, a team that didn't win its division much less its conference, deserved to play for the national championship.

Apparently, the BCS can't bow before a playoff, but it can bow before the vaunted Southeastern Conference.

Most proposals for a college football playoff include some version of an eight-team or four-team tournament. More limited proposals favor an extra championship game to be played after the bowl games.

Austinites and college football fans Don Craven and John Jackson have created a proposal they call Preferred Elimination that takes advantage of the existing BCS rankings system and bowl games to create a post-bowl championship game that pits the two remaining highest-seeded teams against each other.

Ideally, college football teams at the FBS level would play a multiteam, multigame tournament the way college football at the lower levels does. But major college football is a victim of its bowl games.

The oldest bowl games began decades ago as holiday exhibition games and evolved as the desire to name a national champion increased.

We're stuck with them; any playoff system has to include and work around the bowl games.

It is true that some sports have diluted the value of their regular seasons ? not because they have playoffs, but because they have expanded their playoffs to include more teams (and to increase fan interest and make more money).

The casual observer might wonder how bad a team has to be to miss college basketball's NCAA tournament next month or the NBA's playoffs because so many teams are allowed in.

By expanding its postseason, major league baseball has hurt the purity of its regular season.

Playoffs are not perfect. The best team doesn't always win. Upsets happen. Then again, maybe an upset is how we discover that one team's relatively unimpressive regular-season record left it underrated, while another team's regular-season record left it overrated.

Whatever the assumed merits of whichever teams make it to a playoff championship game, fans accept the game's outcome.

Merit becomes the matter of a final score not a matter of the perceptions of writers, coaches and computer programmers.

A playoff is a legitimate way to crown a champion. The BCS is not.

It's time to give fans what they want and college football what it deserves ? a playoff.

Source: http://www.statesman.com/opinion/its-time-college-football-had-a-playoff-2198176.html?cxtype=rss_opinion

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Hepatitis C killing more Americans than HIV: studies (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Hepatitis C has surpassed HIV as a killer of U.S. adults, and screening all "baby boomers" could be one way to stem the problem, according to two new government studies.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/diseases/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120223/hl_nm/us_hepc

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Strategic Sharing: Zipcar Leads $13.7M Investment In Campus Car-Sharing Startup Wheelz

wheelz_logoWell, you have to hand it to the strategy team over at Zipcar. Arguably the largest on-demand car-sharing network, Zipcar went public last year and not long after saw its market cap cross $1 billion. It's since fallen back, and with collaborative consumption and the market for car-sharing heating up, the big players have to make moves. Zipcar has since forged a partnership with Ford, making it the largest provider of cars for Zipcar's University program, and, in December, the company took a controlling stake in Spain's largest car-sharing network, Avancar. Today finds Zipcar making another strategic move to get its mitts in fellow car-sharing companies, again with a focus on universities, whose students are among the most eager adopters of car-sharing models. What do I mean? The company today announced that it is a lead investor in the $13.7 million Series A financing of Wheelz, a junior, university-focused version of itself.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Q-Dcrlj9C4Q/

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Bank of England panel split on size of stimulus (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Bank of England rate-setters were divided this month on the vote to inject another 50 billion pounds ($79 billion) into the British economy, with two members arguing that a bigger stimulus was needed, minutes to their last meeting showed Wednesday.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/economy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120222/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_britain_economy

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Live Video Streaming: A Revolutionary Way To Enjoy The Internet ...

From the time the arrival with the Internet, accomplishing several interactive issues such as video streaming has grown to be possible. In reality, live video streaming are gaining in popularity right now. Television simply because becoming the main source of activity is now gradually limiting. At present, citizens are trying to find other ways to get kept amused. An excellent systems being made use of now could be, live streaming.

The advancement of the Internet these days allows a person transmitted both equally video and audio at quite high rates of speed, so things like live streaming will be now possible. As a result, video surging is nothing greater than taking a video and audio transmission within the source as well as transmitting it over the Internet. Video streaming, via the Internet,helps you possess multiple purposes. In reality, it helps you check out video clip streams of live activities including tennis and soccer. Nevertheless, it still relies upon on the service provider of the video stream. Quite a few users can view video sources of news flash and other up-to-date events live. In short, there are numerous uses for online video media streaming. In reality,Internet consumers could also stream content material completely from their own space. There is usually a series of illustrations or photos moving and these photographs are usually delivered on the web in a compacted style when streaming. It may then be immediately viewed as they arrive on their monitor. The truth is, consumers do not have to hold back until the file has been entirely saved, wherein, as soon as the stream has begun, users on the other end,can start off browsing the videos.

Fundamentally, it is simple to design your own personal online video media loading all by yourself, with nothing higher than a basic microphone and a web cam to create the necessary audio and video. Additionally, you will need some sort of encoder application that will assist you to improve the signal into a continuous stream. Usually, the transmission can depend on your Internet connection swiftness, as well as the quality of the line itself.Your web broadcasting or streaming can be quite difficult.At the same time, a poor and unpredictable connection can cause a great deal of ditched frames in your live streaming. Thus, make certain that you have a good connection, therefore there?s a guarantee that your particular video streaming can certainly attain as many people.

Nevertheless, it is extremely obvious you can definitely do a lot of interesting things with video streaming. Like for instance, you can start your own private Internet TV station or your own web based radio. Consequently, search at your needs and start your own personal Internet broadcasting today. Yet, live streaming or video streaming is a cost-effective answer for many corporations to promote the products and expert services online. Really, quite a few businesses are applying this technology today.

Technologies is actually producing significant modifications towards the way we are living in the modern society. Of course, over time, men and women are likely to adjust on to these modifications. Needless to say, some modifications are for the negative, however we simply cannot disagree that we now have several changes which can be for the beneficial of mankind. In the case of video streaming, it obviously makes a positive effect to society, particularly in the business, interaction, and making our each day easier.

Source: http://soccershoesx.com/live-video-streaming-a-revolutionary-way-to-enjoy-the-internet/

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Source: http://ogorcof.posterous.com/live-video-streaming-a-revolutionary-way-to-e

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Mick Pattinson: Small Business Shut Out of Government Contracts ...

No one gets more love than small business. Just turn on any news channel big or small, liberal or conservative, and within a few minutes some politico is telling us how much government is doing to help small business.

Everything except actually hire one: Most small contractors have never received -- or even bid on -- a public works job.

Try this at home: Next time you hire a painter or roofer or gardener or plumber, ask them if they ever do any government work.

They will say no. "Too much paperwork."

Translation: They do not have a credit score high enough to get a bond they need for government work.

It works like this: If your city council decides it needs a new roof, they put it out to bid. Your local neighborhood roofer submits the lowest bid.

But to actually do the job, your roofer needs cash and credit worth at least $300,000 in order to get a bond. (If the roofer cannot finish the job, the bonding company will, then go after the roofing company for the money. So if they don't think you will have it, they will not issue a bond.)

"Today, some bonding companies want 50 percent of the value of a contract as collateral before they issue you a bond, if they decided to issue you one at all," said Dominic Dunlap, a Chicago roofer. "This has put an enormous number of small contractors out of business all over the country because they cannot get a bond for government work."

This is what President Obama meant when he said some jobs were not as shovel-ready as he thought they were going to be.

"It doesn't make sense that the same small business people who pay taxes to pay for the jobs cannot bid on the jobs," said Jerome Stocks, mayor of Encinitas, Calif., and chairman of the San Diego Association of Governments. "Also, with fewer bids, that means state, local and federal government agencies are going to pay more for their projects."

Stocks is getting national recognition for his work in urging public agencies to split their jobs into smaller and smaller contracts to enable more small businesses to bid.

On a parallel front, agencies, contractors and at least one bonding company are finding a new way to get more bids from more small contractors. If this were the movie The Graduate, this is the part where the guy would lean over and tell Dustin Hoffman the secret to his future success: "Funds Administration."

The back story to the secret is this: The biggest reason a small contractor gets in trouble to prevent him from finishing a job is cash flow. They use money from one job to pay the vendors from another.

But led by a New York company called Ox Bonding, government agencies and bonding companies are not just managing that risk, they are getting rid of it entirely. Result: For the first time, thousands and thousands of small business owners are actually competing for and winning bids on their first public contract.

According to Dominic the Roofer, "We had tried more than a dozen bonding agencies without success but finally we found Ox Bonding and we were able to get a bond. Without them, we would be out of business. And they were able to issue us a bond because of the way they manage risk with funds administration."

The people at Ox Bonding are not Angels of Mercy: They run an insurance company. They measure the same risk in the same way as other bonding agencies, they just control it differently.

Instead of looking at just credit scores, they look at the company, its owners, its bids, its profits, pretty much everything.

They just want the answer to one question: Can this company finish the job on time and under budget? They use real construction people to actually meet with the contractors to see if they can do the job, not just check boxes on an application.

Once they figured Dominic the Roofer was up for it, Ox issued him a bond.

Here comes the important part: Once Dominic the Roofer received his bond, the work of the bonding company was just beginning: "Instead of writing a check to the contractor, the city writes a check to the bonding company, and they control the distribution of funds. They pay all the bills until the job is over," said Dominic the Roofer.

Boom! There goes the risk. No more robbing Peter to pay Paul.

"I started this company because when I was a teenager, I sat at the kitchen table with my father, a contractor, and listened as a bonding agent said my father could not qualify for a bond for a bigger job," said Robert Berman, CEO of Cininium Financial, owner of Ox Bonding. "That was very hurtful. There are thousand and thousands of great companies in this country that cannot bid on government work. Many are going out of business. We changing that."

And it is happening in more than 200 state, local and government agencies around the country, from Glen Cove, N.Y, to Honolulu from highways in California to solar energy installations in New Jersey.

"The funds administration is an excellent program," said Glen Cove city engineer Susan Lounsbury, P.E. "It took a bit of explaining to the people in the finance department, but once we did, they were fine with it. And getting to hire more local contractors is good."


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mick-pattinson/small-business-shut-out-o_b_1292364.html

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Be More Productive Using These Home-based Business Ideas


The very thought of managing a home business for many people is concurrently a little overwhelming and attractive. In which will you begin? Additionally you need to have to figure out how you will make it work. Most people a ton of queries concerning how to basically get their home organization began. Look at this article to discover what kind of stuff you simply must work on.

You should decide on a company label which has significance regarding the goods and services you are selling. An very easily identifiable label will allow customers to quickly link your goods and services together with the worth connected with your brand. The label from your brand name could have a quirky or motivational affect at the rear of it. This provides your brand a recognizable path and, can certainly help build customer devotion as time passes.

Designate a specific region in your home that will be used exclusively as your work area. It is actually important to always keep stuff arranged, so make sure you possess the correct quantity of space on your issues. This will keep your office at home arranged, which is actually a key to success.

Always attempt to restrict your investing being a home business operator. Working at home permits you to save money you might usually have invested in leasing an area from which to work your company. Prior to making any purchases, it?s crucial that you actually give some thought to whether you want the product you wish to buy. Using a spending budget on your bills helps keep the costs of your own merchandise inexpensive.

You must create an excellent quote of the items your get started-up costs will be very well prior to deciding to wide open your house organization. House corporations usually do not expense up to traditional corporations, but there will be expenses you will have to consider. If you can figure out how much money you will need to productively operate your organization, it will help your company earn money rather than get rid of it over time.

Be a part of on the web discussion boards that concentrate on home-based companies. When you lookup the world wide web, you will find countless sources of wonderful details. Personal blogs are another great source when it comes to educating yourself about online businesses.

As you now use an increased concept of what you ought to do to create and control your home enterprise, you should start feeling like you can accomplish your own home organization goals. Keep in mind that the info you figured out is only going to work if you put it on. When you keep to the suggestions in the following paragraphs, then your home organization ought to succeed.

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Tags: business

Source: http://www.pursonalityplus.com/2012/02/22/be-more-productive-using-these-home-based-business-ideas-2/

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention [Video Recap ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]There was plenty of entertainment for those not getting a tattoo. Awards were given out throughout the weekend, artists were working on their latest paintings, and Rigor Mortis Review performed their delightfully morbid ...

Source: http://geekadelphia.com/2012/02/20/the-philadelphia-tattoo-arts-convention-the-philadelphia-tattoo-arts-convention/

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FLORENCE, Ariz. ? Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu built a reputation as a rising, conservative star by taking a hardline stance against illegal immigration, attacking the Obama administration and appearing alongside Sen. John McCain in a 2010 re-election ad in which McCain urged federal officials to just ?complete the danged fence.?

But, on Saturday, Babeu?s conservative image took a beating as he was forced to admit publicly that he is gay and was involved in a relationship with a Mexican immigrant who claims the sheriff threatened to have him deported if he revealed their relationship.

Babeu denies any wrongdoing, and has vowed to continue his battle for the GOP nomination in an extremely conservative rural congressional district. He recognizes he is fighting an uphill battle, especially in a state where family values, as defined by a large evangelical Christian and Mormon population, often battle fierce, anti-immigrant beliefs to define conservatism.

At a lengthy press conference, Babeu said he hopes voters will overlook his personal lifestyle and stick with him.

His competitors think voters will reject him, with Arizona Sen. Ron Gould saying he?s sure to lose major support among the family-values voters who oppose gay marriage.

Babeu previously avoided a public stance on gay rights, but came out in favor them on Saturday.

?I can be a supporter and get out there and help articulate as we progress as a culture and a society, that there should be individual liberties and there should be individual freedoms,? Babeu said. ?For any other person to define somebody else?s relationship and say it not OK, that is not who we are as Americans.?

Saturday?s revelation already forced Babeu to call presidential candidate Mitt Romney?s staff to say he would step down from his post as state campaign co-chair. Some political observers think his career could be over.

?There is no question that his budding congressional campaign is over,? longtime Arizona Republican political consultant Sean Noble wrote on his blog. ?Because it is a Republican primary in a conservative district, it?s likely that the thing that hurts him the most is that he was in a gay relationship.?

Others aren?t sure it?s the end, but they said there?s no doubt he will be hurt.

?It obviously has implications for a congressional race. There?s just no question about it,? said Bruce Merrill, an Arizona State University political science professor emeritus and a longtime pollster. ?I don?t see how any reasonable person cannot think that this is going to hurt him, particularly with the constituency that he has built, which is a very evangelical, right-wing, family oriented conservative constituency.?

Babeu?s admission that he is gay came after a story in the Phoenix New Times, an alternative weekly magazine, that quoted a former lover as saying Babeu threatened his immigration status if he revealed their relationship.

Babeu denied claims he tried to threaten the man, a Mexican immigrant and a former campaign volunteer. He said the accusations were an attempt to hurt his political career. The legal status of the man, identified only as Jose by the New Times and Babeu, was unclear. His lawyer said he was unavailable for comment but might be available in a few days.

Jose provided the New Times with photos of him and Babeu embracing. It also posted a cellphone self-portrait of a smiling Babeu in his underwear and another of what appears to be the shirtless sheriff in a bathroom, posted on a gay dating website. Babeu didn?t deny their authenticity.

Babeu made national headlines soon after his 2008 defeat of an incumbent in his rural county south of Phoenix by jumping on the anti-illegal immigration bandwagon led by longtime Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and berating the federal government for allowing human and drug smuggling to go unchecked.

Then in 2010, he was tapped by McCain to help champion his border security plan during McCain?s re-election effort.

McCain, asked Sunday on ABC?s ?This Week? about Babeu, said he thought of him as a friend.

?I do not know the details, except what has been published in the media,? he said. ?And I?m sure there will be a thorough and complete investigation, if there is any allegation of wrongdoing. All I can say is that he also deserves the benefit, as every citizen does, of innocence until proven guilty. But I appreciate the support that he gave me in my campaign and always will.

Arpaio, a longtime ally, distanced himself.

?All I can say is he?s the sheriff of Pinal County, and it?s up to him to face his issues, not me,? Arpaio told The Arizona Republic. He said Babeu has been ?begging? for an endorsement in the congressional primary.

?I don?t even think I?m going to get involved,? Arpaio said. ?We?ll see what happens with Babeu.?

Just last weekend, Babeu gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., reiterating his criticism of Obama, the Justice Department?s failed ?Operation Fast and Furious? gunrunning investigation and seeking support for his congressional campaign.

Babeu has been something of an enigma since he appeared on the scene. He was elected to the city council of his hometown of North Adams, Mass., at age 18, and came to Arizona shortly after losing an election for North Adams mayor in 2001.

He became a Chandler police officer and in November 2008 defeated a Democratic incumbent to become sheriff.

Along the way, he served in the Army National Guard as both an enlisted man and an officer, retiring from the Arizona Guard as a major after serving stints in Iraq and along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Also on HuffPost:

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Article source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/19/paul-babeu-says-hes-gay-a_n_1287515.html?ref=politics

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Source: http://gayfriendlybiz.com/new/uncategorized/paul-babeu-says-hes-gay-after-misconduct-claims

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Rick Ross Proves He's Bawse As Hottest MC In The Game

Even without his own album, Rozay owned 2011 and topped our Hottest MCs in the Game list.
By MTV News staff

Rick Ross
Photo: MTV News / Getty Images

When Rick Ross experiences a personal moment of triumph, a hearty grunt typically marks the occasion. Built up from the bowels of his belly, Rozay's baritone call has become as ubiquitous as his titillating one-liners — not that a simple ad-lib is the only thing that earned Rick Ross the #1 spot on MTV News' Hottest MCs in the Game VII list, his first time up top.

Rozay was on pace to release his fifth studio album until he faced a pair of "minor setbacks," as he so poetically dubs the two seizures he suffered in October.

"God Forgives, I Don't was slated to come out in 2011, and he had the two seizures, and we thought it was going to make him fall back completely — but he came back and hit us with Rich Forever," MTV News senior hip-hop writer Rob Markman pointed out during the Hottest debate.

Want to join the debate? Just hit us on Twitter using the hashtag #HottestMC!

The truth is, Rozay's 2011 reign didn't hinge on an album release. The Bawse set things up properly in February of last year when he signed his Maybach Music Group record label over to Warner Music Group and scooped up newcomer Meek Mill (this year's #7 Hottest MC), Wale (#10) and later Stalley. Musically, Ricky Ro put his team in position to dominate with the label compilation Self Made, Vol. 1. Rather than taking all the shine, Ross passed the baton to Meek, who delivered "Ima Boss" and "Tupac Back." Wale contributed the rhythmic gem "That Way," and even ousted MMG spitter Pill logged serious miles on the LP.


Album: Self Made, Vol. 1, with Maybach Music Group

Selected Mixtapes: Rich Forever

Singles: "You the Boss" (featuring Nicki Minaj), "I Love My Bitches"

Street Bangers: "9 Piece" (featuring Lil Wayne), "Stay Schemin' " (featuring Drake and French Montana), "Yella Diamonds"

Key Guest Appearances: DJ Khaled's "I'm on One," Meek Mill's "Ima Boss," Lil Wayne's "John," French Montana's "Shot Caller" remix, Drake's "Lord Knows"

Meteoric Metrics: Ross established his Maybach Music Group brand as its CEO when he notched two #1 rap albums with Wale's Ambition and MMG's Self Made, Vol. 1

Business Ventures: Despite having a solo deal with Def Jam, Ross bossed up and took his MMG label to Warner Music Group, signing Wale, Meek Mill and Stalley.

Tours: Rozay joined Wayne on his I Am Still Music Tour

Monumental Moment: Ross is no stranger to success as a solo artist, but after he signed his MMG label to Warner, he truly became a boss!

Forecast: To be able to dominate 2011 without a solo album released is an amazing feat for Ross. With God Forgives, I Don't on the way and a possible collabo mixtape with Drake, the Double-M-Genius may be going for the repeat.

"You wouldn't even know that he didn't have an album out [early last year], because he was all over the radio," said Rahman Dukes, director of hip-hop news at MTV News.

Whether on his own singles ("You the Boss," "I Love My Bitches") or on tracks that he was featured on, the M-I-Yayo MC turned in multiple unforgettable performances. "Ima Boss" was technically Meek's song, but the casual listener may have missed that fact. Lil Wayne's "John" was basically a remix of the 2010 Ross track "I'm Not a Star," and on the summer anthem "I'm on One," Rozay flexed his muscle alongside Drake and Weezy.

"Rick Ross makes raw records, he makes street records. When he gets on a verse, his beat selection is impeccable," MTV Jams' Tuma Basa said, before pointing to Ross' star-making ability with Meek and Wale. "He's making other people hot, and these are people, without Ross, may not have been on this list. They're on this list thanks to Ross."

It's deeper than rap with the Double-M-Genius. Beyond the studio, the Bawse proved his worth in the boardroom as well. "I don't think any artist did a better job of branding than Rick Ross," said MTV RapFix blog editor Nadeska Alexis. "He was just a marketing genius this year, and you gotta give it to the man."

Ross meets all the criteria to be considered the Hottest MC in the Game. His impact is irrefutable: Even without a solo album, he maintained a healthy and consistent buzz throughout the year, notching a #1 rap album with his Self Made compilation. Lyrically, Rozay has grown from his "Hustlin' " days and become one of the game's most celebrated spitters, and his swag is through the roof. Check his big-boned, shirtless confidence, immaculately groomed beard and top-of-the-line designer-sunglass collection.

If that weren't enough, the rotund Rozay cemented his #1 spot in January when he dropped his free 19-song Rich Forever mixtape. While there is no SoundScan or Billboard chart that can measure its impact, with Rich Forever, Ross proved in this era of overdone crossover singles that rap still rules.

"Rick Ross, I think, provides hope to that MC, to that kid growing up who just wants to rap and make street music and say, 'You know what? In this world where hip-hop has become pop, you can still just rap,' " Markman said.

Insert Rick Ross grunt here!

What do you think of our list? Sound off on MTV News' "Hottest MCs in the Game VII" using the hashtag #HottestMC!

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Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1679561/rick-ross-hottest-mcs-game-1.jhtml

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Finding Reliable Builders to Build Your Home

1:29 am Home and Design Articles


Finally building your own home is a big accomplishment since most of us have been dreaming and planning about it most of our life. So we want to make sure that everything goes well in the most efficient way possible. It will be your home soon so it can be quite understand that you need to plan it carefully and thoroughly. A great way to make sure that your construction plans will be of top-notch quality would be through reliable builders that know how to adapt to your requirements and can potentially improve your property-related plans. If you have no idea on the other hand, you can let them do all the work as long as they are someone you trust.


One factor that you should consider when you employ a professional builder would be their experience. They should have enough knowledge and skills to meet their client?s demands and this can be attained by years of building homes. They should know how to make every part of the house complement each other. You should take your time to interview each potential builder that you can find to know how they work, know their credentials, along with their previous projects as well as their outstanding contributions to this industry. You can get in touch with your local home builders association to obtain a list of available builders within you area. Checking the real estate section of your daily paper can be done as well. Calling real estate agents is much better since you are free to include additional details such as the type of professionals that you?d prefer along with every other feedback that is on your mind. Trim down your list by looking online. Look for facts that can be readily examined via a particular builder?s personal or company-affiliated website, and reviews and testimonials coming from professionals within the real estate market. Read the various feedbacks from previous customers on their website as well. If you can, ask for find recommendations from your close relatives, friends and colleagues who can direct you to a reliable and trusted builder.


If you want, you can also find a company that can assist you in choosing the right builder for your needs. You can then review the potential builders that you?ll be partnered with and determine if they?re satisfactory and the right fit for you. Through this process, you can avoid being misled or quite possibly be scammed. Knowing that the builder that you?ve hired is responsible enough to deal with the project ahead with precision without having to waste valuable time and effort is what it takes to build a beautiful home. So reviewing these things thoroughly should be prioritised. In the end, the building that will be developed will reflect the abilities and previous services that your builder had done, so make sure that you?ve chosen the right expert for the job.

Source: http://www.cincinnatirb.com/home-and-design-articles/finding-reliable-builders-to-build-your-home/

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Full Scoop on Loose Fit Rash Guard Shirts, Rash Guard Sh ...

With the growing level of outdoor recreational activities and growing awareness about sunburn protection among women the popularity of women?s loose fit rash guards has also been increased. In the present day the h2o sports ladies are participating in contain browsing, wake boarding, windsurfing, h2o skiing, scuba diving, swimming and kayaking. Because of their productive lifetime model women of all ages are getting fascination in making use of rash guard shorts likewise as men are by means of them. It really makes sense to have a sun and rash protection by using stylish, durable and affordable material. Today young girls or women can easily get rash guards from surf shops, sporting events and departmental stores. Now rash guard for females are conveniently to choose from in industry than ever before in advance of. Wearing these wonderful protective products and services is basically an item girls ought to should have for their protection. The girls and womens styles come in long sleeve, short sleeve, as well as a amazing female cap sleeve that affords them way more flexibility of movement plus a stylish approach to donning what can be a somewhat unstylish bit of clothes. On getting wet these women?s rashguards create an uneasy feeling for the girl sporting it. For these situations the loose fit rash guard for ladies is an excellent method, letting additional materials for ease and comfort and the many typical advantages of an everyday rashguard shirt. Some women and girls enjoy the Roxy brand, which usually comes with additional style, the presence of a emblem, along with a better selling price.
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Mens loose suit rash guards will be the awesome item for extraordinary pursuits men need to love for the period of their schedule everyday living. Several outside recreational things to do like mma, martial arts, drinking water sports, browsing and scuba diving desire exceptional protection while in the form of rashguard shirts to avoid troublesome rash. Rash guards can be used to avoid sunburn as they can block the harmful ultraviolet sun rays. Men can easily get rash guards in variety of colors, designs and shapes. Some guys choose to get quick sleeves some like long sleeve. Short sleeves is usually valuable to provide you highest versatility and motion despite the fact that long sleeves act as shield to protect your arm versus sunburn. Among variety of colors available in this product the blue and black are very popular. Some like to get logo imprinted rashguards while some like blank simple shirts. Men could get rash guard in diverse thicknesses to produce them sturdy for the period of the rigorous actions.

Kids loose fit rash guards are great because they provide children sun protection so they can play and enjoy beach or swimming activities without the threat of sunburn. The perfect cloth composition of Young people rash guards generated by utilizing nylon and lycra helps make mothers and fathers peaceful regarding the safety of their youngsters towards the harmful effects of sunburn to their children. Kids demand rashguards for their security whereas heading for summer season camps, vacations or beach front game titles. Toady we see youngsters feature their mother and father for swimming activities with their swim shirts to avoid sunburn accurately. Also we see that little ones arrive to beach for boarding or surfing with their rash guards to guard themselves in opposition to sunburn. Many young surfers wear these performance apparel products underneath their wetsuits for rash safety. Sometimes they go for surfing with their rashguard only to appreciate riding the waves by way of them. On beach if children go for surfing with their rashguard their fathers and mothers will have no trouble in spotting them quickly.
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Long sleeve loose fit rash guards are great when somebody needs a little extra protection on the arm. Sunlight gets severe in tropical sections so for anybody who is on a journey to these types of sections then long sleeve model can help you to protect all by yourself. Long sleeves not just allow you to defend towards sunburn but additionally from environmental components that you are not used to are in foreign locations. Long sleeve rashgaurd could be the most effective merchandise for you for the period of escape to tropical locations as mosquitoes can become aggressive in such zones.

Brief Sleeve free healthy rash guards are great as you might need safety for entire body versus sunshine and rash although experiencing independence of motion just like a T-shirt. A lot of people want their arms subjected to external environmental without any extra protection. The vast majority of them like shorter sleeve because they are offered in a number of brand names and at less costly rates. Surfers mostly like shorter sleeve as they want arm freedom.

Loose Fit rash guards are a new trend, particularly favored by women who are modest and dont want the form fitting style that hugs the body. Many people just want to have on free fitting swim shirts so athletic healthy typically are not thought of as relaxing for them. Some women are significantly larger and overweight and obviously dont feel good in a tight lycra and nylon shirt, so these loose match versions within the rashguards are becoming a popular product or service. Surely there are also some men who prefer the more casual attire and want the loose fitting style also. So regardless of what applies to most women can use to guys also. You can found loose fit rashguard at selected stores and because of having special material in their production these products carry higher price tag.

The top brands of loose fit rash guards are Body Glove, Billabong, ONeill, Roxy, and Quicksilver. These are the most common brand names and often the best top notch. People are interested to know the top brands so they can get quality product. However, what people dont know is whether or not these manufacturers have their products made overseas or if they are made here in the United States. Rash guards made in the United States are always better in quality and more reliable in terms of the durability and sun protection factor.

System Glove business is close to here as the establishment of overall body boarding being a sport. Before they were confined to the making of swim wear, bathing suits and beach apparel but now moved on to rashguards as well. Traditionally, this company has always been a high energy, philanthropic company with high integrity and quality products.

Billabong is a big title in surfing business. Along with making wetsuits, surf clothing and surfing accessories now Billabong is making rash guards as well. Billabong brand apparel and products and solutions are desired by a bulk of surfers who like it for its unmatchable excellent quality.

ONeill is one of the leaders in the wetsuit manufacturer space, and has a great line of very reliable surf rash guards. You can get ONeill products at swim stores, fitness outlet, local surf shop and sporting stores easily. Majority of females similar to this brand due to its stylish seem in accordance with manner variations right now.

Roxy and that is a subsidiary of Quiksilver is regarded specified for girls and women. Roxy offers the huge line in sports apparel and beach front style clothing for all females which includes women of all ages and younger girls. Roxy rash guards are preferred for their level of quality, appears and fashionable styles. Roxy is a brand that most of the younger women search out after they go browsing if its on the web or within a surf shop. You can find Roxy products on almost all types of surf stores. A majority of ladies sport the Roxy brand.

You can get further detail about Rash guard brands from the representative present on local or online stores. Be sure to search Google for a specific color or fashion of rash guard you wish, and watch out for any website pages selling rash guards that dont guarantee that they?re formed inside USA.

Source: http://www.houseofyesbook.com/house-of-yes-book/1028-the-inside-scoop-on-loose-fit-rash-guard-shirts

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Daily Business News - MH Marketing Sales Management

Robert Ludgate, Jr., the Alsace Township engineer in Temple, Pensnsylvania says he has agreed to table a township requirement for manufactured homes at the Urban Acres Mobile Home Park to have exterior cast-iron sewer traps. MHC owners Erica and Kevin Ernst told the township supervisors of the 75 homes in the community, 36 homes are newer and meet current construction codes. Kevin Ernst says digging up old sewers was disturbing utility lines and destroying sidewalks and curbs. According to what the ReadingEagle tells MHProNews.com, Ludgate agreed newer manufactured homes are better built and would have adequate traps. The supervisors agreed to meet with plumbing inspector Brian Sands to determine if replacing all 75 is necessary.

(Photo credit: stock photo MHMSM.com)

Categories: Business, Communities, Factory-Built Homes, Manufactured Homes, News Item, People Tags: alsace township, brian sands, curbs, current construction, erica, home park, ludgate, manufactured homes, mobile home park, plumbing inspector, readingeagle, sewer traps, sewers cast iron, sidewalks, township engineer, township supervisors

Source: http://www.mhmarketingsalesmanagement.com/blogs/daily-business-news/sewer-traps-at-llc-may-need-replacement/

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homeschool Music Lessons Are Very Important

Homeschool music lessons are an important part of our daily activities here at Indigo River Academy. Music Education has been proven to help children become successful in society, school, intellectually and in life. (Picture Right: In Raiyna and Lexi?s case, just playing in the music store makes them happy!). I also feel that our public schools don?t provide nearly the amount of music education that a child requires. Having homeschool music lessons has provided my children with an extra advantage that will benefit them in their futures.

Research has shown that music lessons dramatically increase a child?s abstract reasoning skills, the same skills used in math and science (Neurological Research, Vol. 19, February 1997). Another study found that the best engineers and technical designers in the Silicon Valley are practicing musicians (?The Case for Sequential Music Education in the Core Curriculum of the Public Schools,? The Center for the Arts in the Basic Curriculum, New York, 1989). And finally, I found a study proving that children who receive music education score higher on their SAT?s (College-Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers. Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination Board, 2001). Here I am with FOUR college bound homeschoolers, so those SAT?s are pretty important!

Homeschool may very well be one of the best places to get music education. Here are some ideas for you to think about when adding homeschool music lessons to your child?s education.

How Much Will Homeschool Music Lessons Cost?
Homeschool music lessons can cost quite a bit. Instructors typically give 1/2 hour lessons and range anywhere from $10 to $40 for each lesson, sometimes much more. Depending on the instrument your child chooses, you can keep costs down by purchasing a used instrument or renting an instrument. You?ll also need to factor in the cost of books and tapes. These have cost me about $40 per child. Lastly, there are the ?fun things? that your children will probably want for their homeschool music lessons. These are the extra guitar straps and picks, the drum covers, the new violin case?.ohh?and that T-shirt that says ?Fender? across the front. (Fender is a Guitar maker).

So here?s an average cost run down:

  • Lessons (per month) $75
  • Instrument (rented ? per month) $10-$25
  • Instrument (purchased) $10 to Sky?s the Limit?
  • Books (purchased) $40
  • Incidentals (purchased?obviously) Whatever $$ is leftover!

Who Will Pay For Your Homeschool Music Lessons?
If you are working with a charter school, sometimes the charter school will pay for homeschool music lessons, instruments and books.
Another option is work-study. This is where an older student volunteers their time in a music store, or working for a music teacher, in exchange for homeschool music lessons. This can be a really good situation and provide valuable work experience for a child.
You can also look for a ?music sponsor? for your child?s homeschool music lessons. This could be a grandparent or other relative, or you could even go to certain philanthropic organizations and see if they sponsor children or have scholarship programs. (If anyone knows any of these specifically, please let me know. I know they?re out there ? I just haven?t researched them yet.
Whatever you do, don?t let finances get you down. Personally, our family prefers the minimalist lifestyle. By slimming down on unnecessary spending (we don?t eat out, we don?t buy expensive toys?we live in a commune with every member of my husband?s family?HaHa! Just Kidding!) we?re able to budget for these types of expenditures.

Obtaining quality Instruction
Large music stores/centers will typically have a good list of reputable music instructors. However, it is always best to ask for references. You can also ask friends and family for referrals. One of my children?s music teachers, Todd Weber, is an extended family friend of about 20 years. We couldn?t find a better reference than that!
It is best if children receive private lessons, or one on one instruction. Most reputable instructors will only teach this way. This is extremely beneficial for the child. This way the child works at his/her own pace, and areas of weaknesses can receive extra focus.
I?ve also noticed that it is really important for a child to ?bond? with their music teacher. Both of my sons have male music teachers that they look up to as role models. They think their music teachers are ?cool dudes? and they practice more because they have a good relationship with their instructors.

Another idea to consider are the many online music lessons that are available now. These are inexpensive yet they take a certain amount of discipline. There are even quite a few websites that have free music lessons that you can download. Check them out.

Choosing an Instrument
There are a lot of different schools of thought about how to choose an instrument for your child. People talk about the length of a child?s fingers or the shape of their mouth and how it relates to their instrument choice. Personally, I don?t care about any of these instrument choosing theories!
Here?s how I do it. Take a good look at your child?s personality. It is my feeling that there, in your child?s personality, you will find the key to what instrument they should play. You will also find that your child will ?resonate? with a certain instrument or type of music.
Zennin, my 8 year old son, is very rhythmic. He raps and taps on things, he?ll walk in circles (and drive me crazy) and he?ll make little noises over and over again. This kid is obviously suited for the drums!

My 6 year old daughter, Merrin, will start violin lessons in the fall. She takes classical ballet lessons and is a perfectionist. The violin suits her well. Quintin is very eclectic and spontaneous. He?s an abstract thinker and an abstract musician. Even if there was a music sheet in front of him, I?m not quite sure he?d follow it, instead he?d make up his own thing?on the fly. The electric guitar matches his personality very well.

Raiyna doesn?t resonate with any instrument, but she does sing quite loudly with the radio in the car, so voice lessons are in the works for her. Now sit quietly and listen to your inner voice while you watch your child; the right answer will come to you, and your child will feel it too!

Practice Makes Perfect and Fostering Internally Motivated Musicians
Practice. What a touchy subject. What I want for my children is for them to have the internal motivation to propel themselves forward in anything that they want to do. I won?t always be here to nag them. So actually, I encourage my children to practice only up to a point ? and I don?t nag at all. My children are pretty good about setting their own practice schedules and sticking to them. I also encourage my children to dialog regularly with their instructors about how much practicing they?ve been doing. I step out of the music learning process entirely and allow my children to develop a responsibility to their teachers, without me in the middle. This has been so hard, however, it is paying off. My son will look at me now and say, ?Mom! I need to practice today!?. Then he just goes and does it! It makes me want to cry!
The other thing I do to encourage my children to practice their instruments, is I will tell them stories about other musicians and the amount of practice they had to put in to reach their goals. I use real life examples that my children can emulate, instead of arbitrary schedules. This has helped to motivate them to keep practicing ? even when they don?t want to.

Source: http://www.yupedia.com/homeschool-music-lessons-are-very-important.html

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