Friday, March 1, 2013

Video: Smearing Hagel: the attacks continue

>>> we're back. chuck hagel 's now secretary of deference. it's a done deal. but not without a campaign to smear him by guilt by association . first the false story of hagel 's ties to a nonexistent group called -- there's no such thing. friends of hamas . and here was rand paul on the radio earlier this month talking about this as if it actually existed.

>> let me bring up one piece of information that ben shapiro at breitbart put out today. which is one of the foreign funders behind senator hagel that he has not yet disclosed formally is something called friends of hamas . if that is, in fact, true would that lead you to vote against mr. hagel ?

>> you know, i saw that information today also. and that is more and more concerning with each day there are new things coming out.

>> and then just a few days later senator ted cruz of texas questioned whether hagel had been financed by north korea . or saudi arabia .

>> we saw with his nomination something truly extraordinary. which is the government of iran formerly and publicly praising the nomination of a defense secretary . i would suggest to you that to my knowledge, that is unprecedented to see a foreign nation like iran publicly celebrating a nomination. it may be that he spoke at radical or extreme groups or anti-israel groups and accepted financial compensation. we don't know. but it is a minimum relevant to know if that $200,000 that he deposited in his bank account came directly from saudi arabia , came from north korea .

>> that is a joe mccarthy imitation if i've seen one. yesterday it continued with jim inhofe of oklahoma on the senate floor.

>> isn't it interesting, though, that iran supports chuck hagel 's nomination to be secretary of defense?

>> dana milbank is a columnist for the washington post and howard fine is great. he's editorial director for the huffington poet and msnbc analyst. thank you for jumping on this. i'm a student of that era. the way he looks, looks and behaves, the throwing out of names to make him look like a terrorist supporter.

>> it started with ted cruz . it seems to have spread out to the armed service committee. it's one thing. they are all congratulating themselves before the vote saying this is going to weaken chuck hagel . a difficult job being secretary of defense.

>> crystal was out doing that.

>> who made his job difficult? not only chuck hagel , they weakened the defense department and the united states .

>> they did a hot dog jump in the end zone on this, too. howard, this used to be sort of, you know, sacred. we protect our country. we have a secretary of defense and we leave him alone. here, they smeared him out front. he didn't get money from north korea , he's not running around with terrorists.

>> may i say it's interesting that none of the things they floated are true.

>> none.

>> none. zero. zero, zero. this is the worst combination of the worst instincts of the senate and the worst instincts of the republican party and the conservative movement all at the same time. it was a triple play there that was shameful. the fact is, it is true that there has never been a presidential nominee filibustered, certainly in this --

>> why did they do it again yesterday? i read their names, their name of infamy of people who voted for another filibuster knowing they weren't going to win.

>> chris, it's what dan alluded to. they are not thinking about the country. they are thinking about their base. they are thinking about showmanship for the interests of their base and not about the good of the country in this case. the guy's going to be defense secretary . he's going to be defense secretary . now he is defense secretary . if they wanted to go after him, they could have asked what his plan was to deal with the shrinking defense budget , which is going to happen.

>> what about afghanistan.

>> what about afghanistan? a whole host of things. they didn't do any of that.

>> the bad job they did. this guy, cruz, there's an outside possibility he doesn't know about the mccarthy period. his staff, if they are watching, show him movies, the way he sat there with the same prosecutor look like this guy is an evil person and watch the questions that mccarthy played and say my boss is acting like him. i don't think his staff knows who mccarthy is.

>> ted went to princeton.

>> he's immune to criticism.

>> he might have read about this at one point. they went a little overboard inventing the friends of hamas and antiseminichl.

>> what does it say, he says i've been stone walled. what's it mean? it means you don't talk.

>> they have not coughed up the information proving he was in the pocket of north korea . he didn't get the information.

>> they are still pushing this line?

>> yeah. he said what else can i say? i suggest he come out and say he's sorry.

>> i think there's a -- i agree with you on princeton doesn't guarantee you knowledge of the world. samuel lito is a graduate, also.

>> okay.

>> ted cruise is a guy, take a risk and say, this is a guy with enormous talent. he's completely misused it in this case. completely misused it in this case. i think it's too bad. i think the guy is very, very smart. by the way, i wouldn't want to watch all the mccarthy movies, i think he would be inspired by them.

>> there's a smirk there. justifiable hatred of communism. the question of how you treat fellow americans you disagree with and treat them like traitors.

>> there's a style of high accusation.

>> yeah.

>> that is mccarthy that this guy definitely has. there's no question about it.

>> are we going to see a change or watch them go further right?

>> watch them go further right and the democrats are taking notes here. when there's a republican president, they are going to say remember what they did to hagel ?

>> it looks like jack liu is going to get through. they are all going to get through.

>> in fairness of history, that's what they think they did.

>> george will thinks that. just trying to help you out.

>>> when we return, we finish with a moment, a movement for or against gun control. you can't be on the sidelines of this one. you're watching "hardball," the place for


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