Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If this is Britain?s energy policy, we?re toast

By James Delingpole:

?Global warming? is SO totally over. Even President Obama concedes this now. The problem is that after twenty years or more of infectious drivel from the richly-funded global junk science community (NASA, the Royal Society, the ?University? of East Anglia?s Climatic Research Unit, the National Academy of Sciences, etc), the minds of too many politicians have been poisoned, and too much damage has already been done.

Which brings us to Energy Secretary Ed Davey?s draft energy bill. It?s a disaster. It will, if implemented, do untold damage to the British economy and the British landscape. So much is obvious to anyone with half a brain or the merest smattering of knowledge about Britain?s approaching energy gap, about the utter uselessness of ?renewables? and about the shale gas story. Yet it seems that few in our political class can see it. And that those who do ? Graham Stringer, Peter Lilley ? seem not to have enough clout to make any difference.


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May 26, 2012 - Posted by Tim | Uncategorized

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