Friday, June 22, 2012

Classic Treat Free Article Directory ? How Quadratic Equation ...

In mathematics there is several types of the equations that is comes into the topic of algebra and in these equations there is quadratic equation that is used in several types of problem solving strategies. When we talk about the quadratic equation it is define as the polynomial that have the degree of the variable equals to 2 or it is called as the second degree polynomial .We can define the second degree polynomial through an expression as p a?2 + q a + r = 0 but only one thing should be noted that constant p will not be equal to zero. Here in the above equation p , q and r are constants terms and this expression is equal to zero.

There?are several examples that define the second degree polynomial and these are defining as follows:

Example (1): x2 + 4 x + 4

Example (2):?a2 + 14 a + 48

We are using the different variables in the different equations will no matter in the equation solving. There is a online tool that helps in calculation of the variables defined in the quadratic equations that is known as the?quadratic equation calculator and it is a tool that that having a text box in which equation is entered by the user and this tool automatically calculate the values of the variable that is define in the equation.

As there is defined in the above section that in the?quadratic equation calculator it have some text boxes that have different values as If there is a quadratic equation as a x2 + b x + c then in the?quadratic equation calculator we have to enter the value of variables as a, b and c and also enter the values of discriminant. Then we have to enter the solve button to solve the entered equation.

Quadratic equation calculator?calculates the answer very efficiently and also very fast.

To understand the functioning of the quadratic equation calculator we have to understand the example as follows:

Example (1): If there is one equation is 3 a2 + a ? 2 = 0 then we can find the answer by factorization method as in the above equation 6 a will factorize as 3 a * 2 a and there difference is equals to a that is the perfect factorization for the above defined equation and it is expressed as?3 a2 + 3 a ? 2 a ? 2 = 0

and then find the common terms in the above expression as 3 a ( a + 1) ? 2 ( a + 1) = 0.

Than (3a ? 2) (a + 1) = 0 and at last the value of the variable is

3 a ? 2 = 0 or a + 1 = 0

3 a = 2 or a = ? 1

a = 2 / 3 or a = -1 (answer).

There is also one another way to find the answer that is define as if the equation is?a x2 + b x + c then

x = (- b + or -???b2 ? 4 a c) / 2 a.

In order to get help on Solving Multi Step Equation visit Log on to and get all information on Andhra Pradesh Board Logic Syllabus.

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