Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mystics: Rise of Disception

Mystics: Rise of Disception

We are Mystics. You may have heard of things that go bump in the night? Well, we are the ones who bump back. We are a secret organization of highly trained killers sworn to protect the innocent and to stop evil at all costs.


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Mystics: Rise of Disception?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
"Mystics: Rise of Disception"

List of Available Slots
Water Mystic: Reserved!
Sound Mystic: Available
Light Mystic: Available
Darkness/Shadow Mystic: Reserved!
Fire Mystic: Available
Earth Mystic: Available
Metal Mystic: Reserved!
Lightning/Electricity/Storm Mystic: Reserved!
Wind Mystic: Available
Ice Mystic: Available
Wood/Nature Mystic: Reserved!
Psychic Mystic: Naja Nato DeLotus played by Winds of Fate
Leader of the Nobility: Alisarrian Timura played by Asper
Vampire of the Nobility: Available
Werewolf of the Nobility: Available
Demon of the Nobility: Available

Last edited by Winds Of Fate on Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Winds Of Fate
Member for 2 years

Can I reserve the darkness/shadow mystic?

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Member for 1 years

Yes, you can, though reservations only last for a week (7 days). I shall edit it into the Introduction tap. :)

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Winds Of Fate
Member for 2 years

I shall reserve it for you. As I told Centraiu, reservations last one week (7 days) before being relinquished. I can not wait for your characters. :)

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Winds Of Fate
Member for 2 years

May I reserve the water mystic? I'll make sure to have it in before the week is up. :)

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Member for 0 years

Absolutely. Thank you for your interest, in fact thank you all for your interest. :)

Remember, there are available Mystics and Nobility slots. I will post the list on the OP containing the link to the tabs. That should make it easier.

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Winds Of Fate
Member for 2 years

May I reserve as the Light Mystic?

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