Friday, October 26, 2012

What Do You Know About Diabetes? : Ideas For Women Health and ...

We women know so much about many different topics but even when we are knowledgeable we may ignore the facts about our health. What do you? know about diabetes for instance and why does it matter?

It matters because diabetes can be associated with other health conditions like heart disease and stroke. Diabetes can lead to peripheral neuropathy and numbness, decreased mobility, and poor wound healing. Diabetes can increase your risk for pancreatic cancers and other insulin related conditions like hypoglycemia and seizures related to glucose levels.

What you may not understand is that diabetes cannot be cured. It can be prevented somewhat by eating a healthy diet and avoiding excess sugar intake but there is no cure. There are very effective treatments but the damage may already be done before you realize you have the condition especially if you ignore your own symptoms.

What are the symptoms to look out for that might make you think you have diabetes? The most talked about symptom may be increased thirst. Those with high blood sugars become excessively thirsty for water but may seek to quench that thirst by drinking sugary drinks which only makes the problem worse. The other less discussed symptoms are related to urination? frequent urination and the fruity or sweet smell of your urine should send you cruising on over to your doctor for a quick check of your blood sugar level.

Other symptoms that might go along with having a high blood sugar are changes in mood or mental status, poor wound healing, and tingling in hands and feet. Sometimes a scab that just won?t heal is the annoying symptom that sends you to the doctor. Nausea and vomiting, sweating for no reason, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue also can be symptoms of a high blood glucose as well as a headache, body aches, and overall feeling ill without an obvious reason, and kidney failure.

If you have any of the above symptoms don?t hesitate to see your doctor. The diagnosis of diabetes can be made with blood glucose testing and the treatment can be very manageable. You owe it to yourself to learn about diabetes, your health and your life depend on it.



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