Saturday, December 1, 2012

Olive Leaf Extract: The New Health Superhero! | Gnet Health and ...

There?s a reason why a Mediterranean diet is so revered worldwide; not only is it delicious, but the variety of fish and colourful fresh vegetables that it comprises are packed full of all the life-extending nutrients that our bodies need, meaning we could stay healthier and active far into our old age. And at the very heart of this diet, is olive oil; bursting with antioxidants and fatty acids, this ancient oil is a huge health-booster in it?s own right! Well, now we can get even more benefits from the olive tree; not just from the olive berries, but from the leaves themselves.

What is Olive Leaf Extract?

Olive leaf extract is made, as the name suggests, from the leaves of the olive tree. Although you may not be familiar with it, olive leaf extract has been around for years, and was even trialed as an anti-malaria preparation in the 1920?s!

What are the Health Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract?

The health benefits of olive leaf extract are actually very wide-ranging, but the single most important thing it can offer us, is its huge antioxidant power.

Antioxidants work by ?soaking up? free radicals; free radicals are created as a result of the millions of chemical reactions that happen in our bodies all day, every day, that produce our energy, and keep our systems moving. These free radicals crash about inside our cells and can cause huge amounts of damage. Did you know that free radicals are thought to cause the aging of our cells, which on a large scale, means the aging of our skin! Free radicals can also cause some cancers, and even heart disease.

That?s when our tiny superhero, the antioxidant, saves the day, by mopping up these rogue free radicals, and keeping us looking young, radiant and healthy. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant, and is relied upon by millions of people worldwide to keep illness at bay; So when you consider that olive leaf extract has 400% more antioxidant power than vitamin C, and twice as much as green tea extract, you know how much of a punch it can pack!

As well as helping keep your heart healthy, and cancer at bay, olive leaf extract also seems to be a formidable opponent to viruses. This is because it contains oleuropein, a chemical also found in olive oil that gives it its slightly bitter taste. Oleuropein is able to stop viruses in their tracks, by neutralizing the enzymes that are vital for the virus to replicate itself and spread. Although research is ongoing, olive leaf extract may one day be an important weapon in the fight against devastating viruses like meningitis and AIDS.

This same chemical in the extract also has the ability to dissolve nasty bacteria and fungi, like the candida fungus that causes thrush; olive leaf extract is actually recommended in the candida diet, which attempts to both starve the fungus of nutrients, and breakdown the microbes, so your immune system can tackle the problem more easily.

This great, inexpensive extract is definitely one of the most powerful natural health-boosters you can find on the market today!

What the Papers Say:

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What People on The Web Say:

I Feel So Much Better!

I read about this in a magazine and decided to try it with my doctor?s permission. I have been using it for 3-1/2 weeks and have more energy and my cholesterol levels have dropped and my chronic pain is much better. I was taking a lot of prescription pain pills to control my pain due to diabetic neuropathy and inflammation from osteoarthritis, and after taking Olive Leaf Extract I don?t need to take as much pain medicine and my inflammation that caused my joint pain is better. This is a product that I would recommend to anyone that just wants to feel better.

? Katey?
( ?

No More Term-Time Colds For Me!

I am a school teacher and I used to have trouble with cold and sinus issues. I believe that Olive Leaf Extract strengthens my immune system and either completely eliminates colds or greatly reduces my symptoms.

? G. H. Thompson?
( ?

Olive Leaf Extract Really Works!

Olive leaf extract really works. I always take it when I get the first symptoms of a cold like a sore throat or runny nose, and never get the full blown flu symptoms that last for weeks. They are such a great immune booster and after using them for the past couple of winter months I will never go another winter again without them.

? Becky Lammle ?
( ?

It Does Its Magic!

It is an excellent product for sore throats and head colds. Better then any pharmaceutical product. You just take it as you would antibiotics, for example for 5 days, and it does its magic. For children and adults. I prefer it to antibiotics, since it doesn?t destroy anything in your immune system or intestines. My kids in the past 2 years (age 5 and 6 now) haven?t had anything for any kind of illness, except this and some Ibuprofen.

? G. Toth?
( ?

Olive Leaf Extract Is The Best Immune System Booster!

I have been suffering from H.Pylori infection for a while. The doctor prescribed antibiotics that did not work. I tried everything under the sun, like Mastic Gum, Manuka Honey, ACV. For me Manuka Honey is OK, but not the cure as some websites claim.

In short the Olive Leaf Extract is the best immune system booster of all the products out there. It also seems to be helping with H.Pylori infection.

? J. Amballa ?Jay??
( ?

This Has Helped My Skin Immensely!

I use this to help control my ?yeast? problem, as it is a very strong anti-fungal. My hands have a combo of dermatitis/yeast that gets severely itchy when I have eaten badly, and scratching them just makes the itching worse, once you start. So if I can take this, and hold off and not start to itch, it will take it away the itch within 15 minutes to a half hour. That may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you, WITHOUT this, I have started to itch and have not been able to stop. And the itching will NOT stop or go away on its own ? nor do any of the creams or over the counter medicines I have used to try and combat this help. This has helped SO immensely and also has helped to heal the overall condition of my hands.

? CJ66?
( ?

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