Sunday, February 10, 2013

Apple iWatch - Business Insider

Apple has the potential to drastically reinvent the traditional smart watch.

There are already a host of smartwatches out there, like the Cookoo Watch and Pebble, and one source tells us that Google's currently working on a smart watch of its own.?

Earlier this year, reports emerged of Apple's apparent plans to start making a smartwatch.

According to?Bruce Tognazzini, a principal with the Nielsen Norman Group and former Apple employee who specializes in human-computer interaction, an Apple iWatch could have a vast impact on our lives.

Here are several reasons why you should be really excited:

  • Apple can solve the "having-to-remove-the-watch-from-your-arm-problem" by implementing wireless charging, which the company holds a patent for.
  • Apple's patent for curved glass screens could help reduce the clunky factor.
  • There won't need to be a bunch of buttons and menus because Siri will be able to handle complex tasks.
  • The iWatch could facilitate communication with your iPhone so you can see who's calling.?
  • It could eliminate the need for typing in passwords on Apple devices.?
  • You may never lose your iPhone again because the iWatch will alert you if you start moving out of range.
  • It could use sensors to track how many calories you're burning and miles you're walking, and monitor things like blood pressure.
  • If the NFC chip makes its way to the iWatch, you could just swipe your watch over a reader to make payments.
  • It will very likely support music functions.
  • The iWatch could function as remote control via compatibility with Siri.
  • Apple could use the iWatch to fix its maps by using crowdsourced pressure data.


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