Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You are likely to be eaten by a grue

Alright, I kind of doubt this will catch on and if it's been done before, please someone tell me. The main idea is this, everyone that posts is in a party together, like a roleplaying game. They have all gone down into a dungeon. Now, the prize is very, VERY close and only one person can get it. Here's the problem, no one can see because there's no light. There is at least one grue down here. Grue hunt in the dark and avoid the light.

Each person, when they post, will create light in whatever manner they see fit. The next person will use whatever means to douse their light, because they don't want that person to run off and get the treasure, and then make their own source of light. This is a forum game, so even though I said everyone's in a dungeon, it doesn't have to completely make sense. Do what you have to do to survive. Oh, and I know I've been guilty before of not doing the second part of a forum game, so anyone who doesn't make their own light, the next person posts that they hear [previous poster] getting eaten by a grue and describe it in whatever, not too graphic, way. That person will be put on a list until a cleric is willing to give up their turn to resurrect them, which will not get them eaten. However, if they are a dark cleric, or necromancer, then they bring the player back as undead. AKA: Rotting meat shield. These rules may change if they have to.

Party Members:

Announced as Clerics:

Announced as Necromancers:




Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/2vi-zq4b6os/viewtopic.php

troy miracle andy whitfield kennedy demi moore roy oswalt kevin martin

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