Friday, July 12, 2013

CfP: Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference 2013 | Critical Legal ...


Abstracts are invited for the Edin?burgh Post?gradu?ate Law Con?fer?ence, to be held Decem?ber 2???3, 2013 at the Uni?ver?sity of Edin?burgh, UK. The con?fer?ence aims to provide a?forum for post?gradu?ate stu?dents to present and receive feed?back on their work and to net?work with other research?ers work?ing in their?area.


The theme of the con?fer?ence is ?Law, Indi?vidual, Com?munity?. We invite papers from all areas of law and related fields, includ?ing but not lim?ited to com?mer?cial law, con?sti?tu?tional law, crim?inal law, crit?ical approaches to law, human rights, intel?lec?tual prop?erty law, inter?na?tional law, legal the?ory, and med?ical law. Pos?sible top?ics of invest?ig?a?tion include:

  • Lib?er?al?ism versus communitarianism,
  • Prob?lem?at?iz?ing the sub?ject of law (the col?lect?ive sub?ject, sub-?state sub?jects in inter?na?tional law?etc.),
  • Rights and respons?ib?il?it?ies, includ?ing group rights and indi?gen?ous peoples? rights,
  • Law and the excluded,
  • Com?munity and the wel?fare?state,
  • The role and pos?i?tion of share?hold?ers against the corporation,
  • Cor?por?ate social respons?ib?il?ity and cor?por?ate governance,
  • The prin?ciple of self-?determination and sub-?state ter?rit?orial autonomy,
  • The rise of global governance,
  • Com?munity interests and the pro?tec?tion of the environment,
  • Biobank?ing and par?ti?cip?a?tion in med?ical research,
  • Intel?lec?tual prop?erty rights and access to medicines.

Key?note speakers

The key?note speak?ers for this year?s con?fer?ence will be Mar?tin Lough?lin, Pro?fessor of Pub?lic Law at LSE, and John Har?ris, Sir David Alli?ance Pro?fessor of Bioeth?ics at the Uni?ver?sity of Manchester.

Train?ing component

The con?fer?ence will include three train?ing ses?sions, seek?ing to offer par?ti?cipants advice on man?aging their PhDs, on pub?lish?ing as early career research?ers and on find?ing their niche in the aca?demic job market.


Prizes will be awar?ded for the best paper sub?mit?ted and best present?a?tion at the conference.

Abstract sub?mis?sions

Abstracts of no more than 300 words and 3???5 keywords are to be sub?mit?ted to EdLawPhDConference@?gmail.?com, together with a?short bio?graph?ical note (approx. 100 words) on the author. The dead?line for sub?mit?ting abstracts is August 15, 2013. Selec?ted par?ti?cipants will be noti?fied by early September.

More inform?a?tion

More inform?a?tion on the con?fer?ence can be found on our web?site: http://?lawph?d?con?fer?ence?.ed?.ac?.uk.


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