Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kays named Grand Marshal of Marlborough's Labor Day Parade

Bob Kays, city businessman and local humanitarian, has been named Grand Marshal of the 62nd Annual Marlborough Labor Day Parade. This year?s Labor Day event begins at noon on Monday, Sept. 2.

The announcement was made Monday by Marlborough Mayor Arthur Vigeant and Labor Day Parade Director Ed Thurber at a gathering in the Mayor?s Conference Room in City Hall.

"With a Parade theme, ?Spirit of Marlborough,? it was a no brainer that the Grand Marshal would be Bob Kays," said Patricia Pope, Marlborough City Councilor and a member of the Parade Committee. "It?s an honor well deserved and a long time coming.

"Honoree Kays has long been instrumental in leading successful fundraisers and community events, including serving as chairman or co-chairman for events that include the local American Cancer Society?s Relay for Life, the Mayor?s Charity Ball, Chowder Fest and Evening of Giving as well as personal events such as fundraisers for families in need. He chairs the Marlborough Recreation Commission and he is a board member on both the South Middlesex Opportunity Council and the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation.

Vigeant thanked Kays for all that he does for the City of Marlborough.

"Bob?s endless good deeds and his limitless compassion has earned him the appreciation of our citizens for many years now," said Vigeant. "I am happy to pay tribute to the spirit of helping others that Bob embodies by honoring him as our Grand Marshal this Labor Day."

Kays has received the Marlborough Pride Award, Humanitarian of the Year recognition, Marlborough Spirit Award and Marlborough Lifetime Community Service Award as well as a 2011 Yankee Magazine nomination for "An Angel Among Us."

He also was recognized with the 2012 Hudson Marlborough Good Scout Award by the Knox Trail



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