Sunday, September 16, 2012

Martha. | HighStreet Blog.

She is the iconic entre?pre?neur who built an empire out of one main focus ? turn?ing every?day life into an art form. Her name is Martha Stewart. From cook?ing din?ner for the fam?ily, to enter?tain?ing a large crowd, to remod?el?ing a home or iron?ing a shirt ? to her, the dif?fer?ences are in the details. She cre?ated the first true lifestyle brand with her books, mag?a?zines, TV shows, prod?ucts, and fur?ni?ture, all cen?tered around every?day liv?ing. She inspires all of us at HighStreet to fill every aspect of our cus?tomers? lives with beauty.

When we were asked to host the event for Martha, along with exec?u?tives from her com?pany and Procter & Gamble, the pres?sure was on to make sure every?thing was per?fect. Hosting an event like this wasn?t new for us; HighStreet has hosted a num?ber of celebrity guests, includ?ing Frederic Fekkai and fash?ion edi?tors for Vogue and other mag?a?zines, but this time was dif?fer?ent ? it was Martha, the queen of enter?tain?ing. In a shroud of secrecy, our cre?ative team pored over every detail spend?ing tire?less hours to get ready for the?event.

We didn?t hes?i?tate in enlist?ing one of the city?s top cater?ing com?pa?nies, Eat Well Catering,?based in Newport, Kentucky, to plan the four-course meal for twelve. Chef and owner Renee Schuler used sev?eral ingre?di?ents that were locally raised or grown, includ?ing the arugula, which was picked directly from her home garden.

We worked hard mov?ing fur?ni?ture, arrang?ing new prod?ucts, and hang?ing light fix?tures in hopes of wow?ing one of our great influ?ences, who we know has seen quite a bit of design in her day. The long table and twelve chairs were draped in lux?u?ri?ous tex?tiles and set with vin?tage place set?tings. The hang?ing flo?ral arrange?ments above the din?ner table were designed in con?junc?tion with Cincinnati-based Sprouts Floral Design,?as were the smaller bou?quets pep?per?ing the rest of the store. The end result was spec?tac?u?lar. We were ready for the big?event.

During the cock?tail hour, Martha took some time to browse the store with her exec?u?tive team. We were totally caught off guard when within the first few min?utes, she whipped out her own cam?era and began to snap pho?tos of the dis?plays and vignettes we had cre?ated. We breathed a sigh of relief to know we had Martha?s approval.

It was excit?ing to see Martha and her Chief Operating Officer, Lisa Gersh, spend?ing con?sid?er?able time in the fash?ion sec?tion shop?ping for jew?elry and hand?bags. We were pleased to hear that both had high praise for the store, com?par?ing it to one of our favorite stores, ABC Carpet & Home. Gersh said the store had a level of sophis?ti?ca?tion you just don?t see any?where?else.

During din?ner, Martha told sto?ries of mak?ing her own rasp?berry jam and inquired about what makes Cincinnati spe?cial. She asked about the ingre?di?ents in goetta and sought rec?om?men?da?tions on where to find the best goetta in town. She also wanted to know more about the Frank Lloyd Wright homes in greater Cincinnati.

Before leav?ing, Ms. Stewart signed a few copies of her books, posed for pho?tos and then came down to the front desk to make a pur?chase. We now can very proudly call Martha Stewart our customer.



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