Monday, January 28, 2013


Hi I?m looking for someone that could make a map for me. It?s for an RP I?m running at the moment and I?d like a detailed map that can be a fun or whimsical.

The setting is a Steampunk Post-apocalyptic desert called ?The Flats? and the RP has been running for some time now so your work will be seen and not just forgotten about and buried. You can learn more here. roleplay/white-group/

As it is for an RP there are certain criteria the Map must meet like positioning of locations etc. Apart from that it?s all up to you the legend, markings and decals. I have a very basic paint version that I?l send to intrestred folks so they can see positioning etc. (If you think I?m going to post a crummy paint image in a forum for artists you?re crazy.)

Anyway I hope someone can come up with something as my RPers would love to see one.


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