Tuesday, January 22, 2013

HELP ARTICAL: Station History of Painting in Glass

Reverse on glass from a very ancient figure was a form of artistic expression. It is exactly the number of much more ancient artworks up to date can be difficult.

History of art glass figure very fashionable in Italy during the Renaissance period that has revealed. 14, during the 15th century Italian paintings on glass with Venice and Murano (Murano) island and have been associated with. This figure begins to take advantage of the later changes in the church and reliquaries miniature. More and more artisanal approach the well-liked artist who painted the portrait of the Bible and expressed copy or landscape began to develop.

One of the works of 17th-century paintings of the glass spread to Austria characteristics also affect the currently popular form of art led to the development of small family industries of painters on glass, to have begun with the

In Europe, anti-picture technology glass production that era blown glass in a very distinctive appearance, poured out was not being conducted in the glass gave way because Poland.In until this time had reached the north. As a result, from a much earlier era, a successful fusion of chemicals that allow the identification of the figure in the glass to be used to create a high enough temperature, and specific problem exists.

Glass on glass supplier, decreases the supply of quartz sand, or wood supply glass to create the necessary fire prevented them from writing that sometimes forced to migrate due to lack of knowledge about Europe in the figure began to spread. Transportation and more efficient frontier taxes began to increase and the necessary chemical additives became more expensive. Through constant motion and Europe has led to the migration of glassmakers.

Own cultural and artistic history of Europe as well as in India, China, the Far East, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa, as well as the technology of the picture on the glass has made.

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Source: http://easyarticles.blogspot.com/2013/01/station-history-of-painting-in-glass.html

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