Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Google Sniper And A Focus With My Home Based Business ...

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Despite having been working on my home business for a number of years, I have now only got to the stage where I can pay the bills with my earnings. I have been an internet marketer for a number of years now and only recently have I been able to get my business to a full time living wage.

It was the fact that I had a solid focus and direction in my business that resulted in things starting to take off for me. Here are some tips for how you can see success in your home based business as well. It is what I have learnt along the way:

SEO Blog Posts ? You need to optimize your blog posts for the search engines for additional traffic. You can easily get lots of traffic by sharing your link via Facebook and Twitter, but it is good to get more traffic from Google as well. Do a bit of keyword research using the Google keyword tool and try to find phrases of a few words in length that are low in competing pages. If you are good at SEO you can do very well with small affiliate review sites as well. This is outlined in more detail as part of my Google Sniper review. It is an excellent training course to follow.

Monetization ? Once you are getting traffic to your blog you need a way to make money from your visitors. The easiest way to do this is to promote an affiliate product. Find an ebook in your niche that offers value to the reader and see if they have an affiliate scheme that will give you a percentage of each sale. It is a good idea to have a range of products at various price points to promote in the future. Someone who buys once is likely to do so again.

Products or Services To Sell ? First of all decide what your market is and what products or services you are going to sell to them. I like selling products because services can often be time consuming to manage and you can only take on a limited number of clients. With products you create it once and sell it over and over again. I would suggest selling information products such as ebooks, video and audio guides because you can automate your marketing and easily scale your business.

Online Marketing System ? Nowadays the best online business opportunities let you ?Plug In? to the power of an internet marketing system. A system lets complete beginners and marketing newbies get off and running quickly and easily without needing any technical skills or even sales ability. An online business marketing system will typically consist of pre-designed lead capture pages, sales presentations, and a backend sales funnel for the big profits. Customer support and technical support should also be handled on your behalf. When you leverage the power of an existing system all you need to do is send people to the funnel and watch the sales come in!

Paid Traffic ? Paid traffic is quicker and involves buying email solo ads, placing banner ads on other websites, as well as running pay per click campaigns and large scale media buys on multiple websites. However, you need to know your metrics to make paid advertising work and have it clear in your mind what you average lifetime customer value is and your conversion ratios so that you know what cost per lead you can or cannot afford.

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Source: http://tecnolandia.info/2013/01/14/how-google-sniper-and-a-focus-with-my-home-based-business-generated-quick-results/

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